The Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Illinois is world-renowned for its excellence in both teaching and research. Our students and faculty are developing the innovations that will define the future of our industry.
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Planning to visit the department? Please let us know of your plans, we‘ll make sure you get the most out of your visit.
Want to see the Electrical and Computer Engineering Building?Complete the form below, or, to take a self-guided tour, pick up a tour booklet near the Office of Advancement in the northeast corner of the building’s first floor.
Interested in reserving the ECE Building for an event? Please click below for more information and to make a request.
Peek inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Building on the University of Illinois campus by watching our video tour.
Select students are granted access to the ECE Building using proximity i-cards. Access is often granted to the building itself, and specific spaces that depend on student needs. Students given access include:
Metered parking is available on Wright Street and east of the nearby Beckman Institute, 405 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana.
All areas of the ECE Building are accessible.
Click for full interior map of the ECE Building.
Additional ECE faculty offices, research groups, and laboratories are housed in other buildings on campus.