CACI No. 3902. Economic and Noneconomic Damages

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


3902 . Economic and Noneconomic Damages

The damages claimed by [ name of plaintiff ] for the harm caused by [ name

of defendant ] fall into two categories called economic damages and

noneconomic damages. Y ou will be asked on the verdict form to state the

two categories of damages separately .

New September 2003

Directions for Use

This instruction may not be necessary in every case.

Sources and Authority

• Proposition 51. Civil Code section 1431.2.

• MICRA Limitation on Noneconomic Damages From Health Care Provider . Civil

Code section 3333.2.

• The Supreme Court has noted that section 1431.2 “carefully” defines the

“important distinction” between economic and noneconomic damages. ( DaFonte

v . Up-Right, Inc. (1992) 2 Cal.4th 593, 600 [7 Cal.Rptr .2d 238, 828 P .2d 140].)

The court stated: “Proposition 51 . . . retains the joint liability of all tortfeasors,

regardless of their respective shares of fault, with respect to all objectively

provable expenses and monetary losses. On the other hand, the more intangible

and subjective categories of damages were limited by Proposition 51 to a rule of

strict proportionate liability . W ith respect to these noneconomic damages, the

plaintif f alone now assumes the risk that a proportionate contribution cannot be

obtained from each person responsible for the injury .” ( Ibid., internal citation

• “Proposition 51 . . . allows an injured plaintif f to recover the full amount of

economic damages suf fered, regardless of which tortfeaser [sic] or tortfeasors are

named as defendants. The tortfeasors are left to sort out payment in proportion

to fault amongst themselves, and they must bear the risk of nonrecovery from

impecunious tortfeasors. As to noneconomic damages, however , the plaintif f

must sue all the tortfeasors to enable a full recovery . Failure to name a defendant

will preclude recovery of that defendant’ s proportional share of damages, and the

plaintif f will bear the risk of nonrecovery from an impecunious tortfeasor .”

( Aetna Health Plans of California, Inc. v . Y ucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School

Dist. (1999) 72 Cal.App.4th 1 175, 1 190 [85 Cal.Rptr .2d 672].)

Secondary Sources

5 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) T orts, §§ 159, 169, 170

California T ort Damages (Cont.Ed.Bar) Bodily Injury , § 1.5

4 Levy et al., California T orts, Ch. 74, Resolving Multiparty T ort Litigation , § 74.04


(Matthew Bender)

15 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 177, Damages , § 177.44

(Matthew Bender)

6 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 64, Damages: T ort , § 64.20 et seq.

(Matthew Bender)

California Civil Practice: T orts § 5:4 (Thomson Reuters)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Kathryn Robb

Kathryn Robb, National Director of the Children’s Justice Campaign at Enough Abuse, discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’s unusual mention of child sexual abuse during her Democratic National Convention speech and its broader implications for addressing this issue in America.

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