A house not occupied by the owner must have a rental certificate. Inspectors are also charged with the responsibility of inspecting rental units.
You can contact us to see if a rental has a certificate.
You can call us if you want a rental certificate and we will send you an application packet.
The links will take to you to the following information for landlords:
Fair Housing Laws Fact Sheet
Advisory on Carbon Monoxide Detectors, Knockout Panels, and Shared Forced Air Heating
Rental Housing Inspection Fees
Application for Rental License
Inspection Check Sheet
City of Des Moines Housing Code
Five Unit or More Multifamily Recycling Guidelines
Multifamily Recycling Plan
Letter to Landlords re: Recycling
HVAC Inspection Checklist
Notice of Complaint:
If you wish to make a complaint, please complete the Notice of Complaint English form or the Notice of Complaint Spanish form and return by email, fax or in person. Once received, we will mail your complaint the following business day to your landlord letting them know they have 10 calendar days to make the requested repairs. If the repairs are not completed in 10 days, you will need to follow up with our office so the inspector can look further into your concerns and schedule an inspection to be done if needed.
Contact Us
Neighborhood Inspection Zoning Division
Argonne Armory – 1st Floor
602 Robert D Ray Drive
Des Moines IA 50309
Phone: (515) 283-4046