Welcome to The Helpful GF, where I make living with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities less complicated.
As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in gluten-related disorders, I'm here to provide you with evidence-based nutrition advice, practical tips for everyday gluten-free living, and delicious gluten-free recipes. Let's make your gluten-free lifestyle simple and enjoyable!
Try these simple gluten-free recipes. They're all about making gluten-free eating super easy and totally delicious!
Low Carb Root Beer Float Pie 19 Delicious Gluten-Free Protein Powder Recipes to Boost Your Nutrition Gluten-Free Hamburger Helper: Easy and Delicious Comfort Food Fluffy Gluten-Free Banana Oat Blender PancakesDive into my gluten free guides to discover the best products and menu options and clear up all those 'is it gluten-free?' questions. It's like having a gluten-free shopping buddy who knows all the best picks!
Dunkin' Donuts Gluten-Free Menu: Safe Choices & Tips Tim Horton’s Gluten Free Menu: Safe Choices & Tips The Best Gluten Free Stuffing Mix Brands to Buy Gluten Free Fast Food OptionsCheck out my easy-to-follow gluten-free tips and resources to make gluten-free living (and gluten-free travel) a breeze!
How to Easily Find Gluten-Free Restaurants Near You Essential Gluten-Free Baking Tips for Perfect Results Every Time Guide to Gluten Free in Troy, NY Gluten-Free in Shenandoah National ParkHi! I’m Sharon McCaskill, RDN and I'm so happy you are here! Welcome to The Helpful GF where I help you live gluten-free with confidence and without the stress. ♥