Addressing an email to an Army officer requires the same etiquette you would extend to any professional contact. But keep in mind rank and professional designations when addressing the officer, and understand that the task will involve some additional time and security considerations not typical of other forms of professional email.
Connect to the Internet with your computer and open your email application (or navigate to your web-based email client).
Type the officer's email address in the "to" field above the body of your email. All Army addresses end in "," but can vary based on division or location (such as "" or ""). The service's email template–[email protected]–may help you guess an officer's email address, though there are several variations including [email protected] for recruiting officers.
Address the officer by name in the greeting of the email. In professional or formal correspondence, you should always use the full title of the officer's rank (example: Dear Lieutenant Colonel Smith). Do not abbreviate rank.
Use the officer's rank instead of his professional prefix if the officer has obtained both. Instead of "Doctor Smith," address the officer as "Colonel Smith."
Type a clear and definitive subject in the subject line. Write factually and directly to the officer in the body of the email. Military personnel appreciate polite but succinct communication.
Tara M. Clapper is a full-time freelance writer living in the Philadelphia area. She holds a bachelor's in English. Clapper has been writing and editing professionally since 2003. She has been published in Montgomery County "Ticket", Alltern8, Going Freelance, and as a topic expert on She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in English and publishing from Rosemont College.