Most clients whom we work with come to us eager to improve their customer service. Through the use of mystery shopping , clients understand that they can measure their employees’ front-line performance.
It seems simple. and it is: measuring the interaction between the employee and the customer, and rating the customer experience.
Using mystery shopping as a development tool rather than a spying tool reaps many more rewards. Mystery shopping isn’t about “catching people doing something wrong”; rather it’s about “catching employees doing it right” and acting on that information through various performance improvement tactics.
How can you use mystery shop results to improve performance ? Start with these 5 tools:
1. Use them for coaching and action planning. Learn more about how coaching and action planning works: You’ve Set Up A Mystery Shopping Program: What’s Next? )
2. Use them as a training tool: block out names on the mystery shop and use the narratives as a platform for discussion with your team, i.e. “What was done well and why?”, “What could have been improved and how?”)
3. Identify best practices from great shop results and share those practices across the organization. For example: A great decision on the front line might be able to be replicated for other front line employees or even with employees that serve internal customers such as in the warehouse.
4. Start a reward system that rewards employees who receive great mystery shop results, and communicate it. Reward and recognition often encourages behavior improvement.
5. Update standard operating procedures (SOP’s) to include any changes to standard procedures that are beneficial as a result of the results gleaned from mystery shops.
Mystery shop results house a treasure trove of actionable data that when used in a productive manner can dramatically IMPROVE your employees’ and organization’s performance…ultimately improving your customer’s experience.