Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001
P.C. 2001-1343 2001-08-01
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to section 5 Footnote a of the Hazardous Products Act , hereby makes the annexed Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 .
Return to footnote a R.S., c. 24 (3rd Supp.), s. 1Marginal note: Definitions
It does not include any of the following:
means a combination of chemicals that has a generic name that is not a trade name and is
means a chemical product that
means the portion of the surface area of a container on which the information required by these Regulations can be displayed. It does not include the surface area of the bottom, of any seam or of any concave or convex surface near the top or the bottom of a container. ( aire d’affichage )
means solid airborne particles that are mechanically generated. ( poussière )
means the flame resulting from the ignition of a chemical product discharged from a spray container when tested in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule 1. ( projection de la flamme )
means a chemical product that is capable of
means the part of a flame projection that extends from the point of ignition back towards the spray container when a chemical product is tested in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule 1. ( retour de flamme )
means the minimum temperature at which a substance gives off a vapour in sufficient concentration to ignite under test conditions. ( point d’éclair )
means solid particles in the air that are generated by condensation from the vapour of a solid material. ( fumée )
, in the context of the information that must be displayed on a container, means a vapour or a fume or both that may be given off by a chemical product under normal conditions of use or storage. ( émanations )
means a category into which a chemical product or container is classified, in particular:
means a pictograph and its frame as set out in Schedule 2. ( pictogramme de danger )
means data, collected in accordance with good scientific practices, that demonstrates that injury to or poisoning of a human has or has not resulted from
means the concentration of a substance in air that, when administered by means of inhalation over a specified length of time in an animal assay, is expected to cause the death of at least 50% of a defined population of animals. ( CL50 )
means the single dose of a substance that, when administered by a defined route in an animal assay, is expected to cause the death of at least 50% of a defined population of animals. ( DL50 )
means the part of the display surface that is displayed or visible under normal conditions of sale to the consumer. It includes
includes a packager and a labeller. ( fabricant )
means droplets of liquid suspended in air that are produced by the condensation of a vapourized liquid or by the dispersion of a liquid by a spray container. ( brouillard )
means a combination of two or more products, materials or substances that do not undergo a chemical change as a result of their interaction. ( mélange )
means a standard recognized by the National Standards System of the Standards Council of Canada. ( norme nationale )
means an absolute pressure of 101.324 kPa at 20°C. ( pression atmosphérique normale )
means the English and French languages. ( langues officielles )
[Repealed, SOR/2016-170, s. 1]
means a Category 4 adhesive set out in Part 4 that has properties similar to an alkyl cyanoacrylate adhesive and that is capable of bonding skin with skin instantly or nearly instantly. ( adhésif qui colle rapidement la peau )
means a non-reclosable container whose contents are to be used in their entirety immediately after the container is opened. ( contenant à usage unique )
means a container that permits the dispersal of its contents in the form of a mist and includes a pressurized container and a pump-spray container. ( contenant pulvérisateur )
means one of the following classifications within a hazard category in which a chemical product may be classified, in particular:
means a chemical product that
means the gaseous form of a substance that is found in a solid or liquid state at normal atmospheric pressure. ( vapeur )
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
Use only in a well-ventilated area.
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask, a respirator.].
N’utiliser que dans un endroit bien aéré.
Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque, un respirateur. ].
Contains [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately.
Contient [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
En cas d’ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin.
If in eyes or on skin, rinse well with water.
If on clothes, remove clothes.
En cas de contact avec les yeux ou la peau, bien rincer avec de l’eau.
En cas de contact avec les vêtements, enlever ceux-ci.
Marginal note: Required information — sub-category “harmful”
(2) The container of a chemical product that is classified in the sub-category “harmful” under section 33 must display, for each type of information set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection, and for each applicable route of exposure set out in column 2, the information set out in columns 3 and 4, other than the instructions set out in italics.
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
Use only in a well-ventilated area.
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask, a respirator.].
N’utiliser que dans un endroit bien aéré.
Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque, un respirateur. ].
Contains [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately.
Contient [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
En cas d’ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin.
If in eyes or on skin, rinse well with water.
If on clothes, remove clothes.
En cas de contact avec les yeux ou la peau, bien rincer avec de l’eau.
En cas de contact avec les vêtements, enlever ceux-ci.
Marginal note: Sub-category “toxic”
Marginal note: Data sources
Marginal note: Sub-categories — substance of special concern
42 (1) A chemical product that contains one or more of the substances of special concern set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection in a concentration set out in column 2 must be classified in the sub-category set out in column 3.
When appropriate and before the other negative instructions:
Do not mix with [Insert description of other products that react with the chemical product, such as toilet bowl or drain cleaners, bleach or ammonia.].
When appropriate and before the other negative instructions:
Ne pas mélanger avec [Insert description of other products that react with the chemical product, such as des nettoyants pour cuvettes de toilette ou tuyaux d’évacuation, des agents de blanchiment ou de l’ammoniaque. ].
Handle with extreme care.
Keep out of reach of children.
Manipuler avec grand soin.
Tenir hors de la portée des enfants.
Use only in a well-ventilated area.
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask, a respirator].
N’utiliser que dans un endroit bien aéré.
Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque, un respirateur. ].
Contains [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately. Do not induce vomiting.
Contient [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
En cas d’ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin. Ne pas provoquer le vomissement.
If on skin, rinse well with water.
If on clothes, remove clothes.
En cas de contact avec la peau, bien rincer avec de l’eau
En cas de contact avec les vêtements, enlever ceux-ci.
Marginal note: Required information — sub-category “corrosive”
(2) The container of a corrosive product that is classified in the sub-category “corrosive” under section 41 must display, for each type of information specified in column 1 of the table to this subsection and for each applicable route of exposure set out in column 2, the information set out in columns 3 and 4, other than the instructions set out in italics.
When appropriate and before the other negative instructions:
Do not mix with [Insert description of other products that react with the chemical product, such as toilet bowl or drain cleaners, bleach or ammonia.].
When appropriate and before the other negative instructions:
Ne pas mélanger avec [Insert description of other products that react with the chemical product, such as des nettoyants pour cuvettes de toilette ou tuyaux d’évacuation, des agents de blanchiment ou de l’ammoniaque. ].
Handle with care.
Keep out of reach of children.
Manipuler avec soin.
Tenir hors de la portée des enfants.
Use only in a well-ventilated area.
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask, a respirator.].
N’utiliser que dans un endroit bien aéré.
Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque, un respirateur. ].
Contains [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately. Do not induce vomiting.
Contient [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
En cas d’ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin. Ne pas provoquer le vomissement.
If on skin, rinse well with water.
If on clothes, remove clothes.
En cas de contact avec la peau, bien rincer avec de l’eau.
En cas de contact avec les vêtements, enlever ceux-ci.
is 35 cm wide, 45 cm high, and 100 cm long, with support frameworks. The pressurized cylinder and its nozzle is located 15 cm away from the burner and flame. The burner is set to 5 cm below the aerosol can actuator and is positioned 15 cm away from the first support framework and 100 cm away from the farthest support framework (both support frameworks are intended to hold cheesecloth as stipulated in the test method)." />
is 35 cm wide, 45 cm high, and 100 cm long, with support frameworks. The pump-spray container and its nozzle is located 15 cm away from the burner and flame. The burner is set to 5cm below the pump-spray container actuator and is positioned 15 cm away from the first support framework and 100 cm away from the farthest support framework (both support frameworks are intended to hold cheesecloth as stipulated in the test method)." />