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Posted by Pratik March 18, 2018

CONVOCATION : Receive Your Degree If you miss ago!

yes, you hear it right if you miss convocation application in December then your chance to get it done Or If your revived degree has some error or diversity then it seems to be a big useful post for you.

CIRCULAR: Replacement of Diploma & Degree certificates awarded in GTU 7th Convocation.

GTU 7th convocation was held on date 12th January, 2018. Students were invited to apply for degree certificate through GTU portal. Those students who have attend convocation their degree certificates were delivered personally and certificates of others are already send through speed post on address they have given through GTU portal. If there is any diversity in degree certificate of any data (Grade, Branch, CPI, Signature and Photo of student) and/or any physical damage of degree certificate (folded or unfinished) then all concerned students are informed to report such cases along with their degree certificates issued and with proof in cases of misprint to GTU before 15th April, 2018 in personal. Queries received after cutoff date will not be entertained.

Those who have not paid their fees for degree certificate, they can apply online on Those students who have already paid fess and still haven’t received the degree certificate, then they are suggested to send the hard copy of required documents as per instructions in the website.