Energy Lab Guide for Educators

The individual components of the Energy Lab give you a range of options for integrating some or all of the Lab into your instruction. From homework enrichment, to science fair project, to a week-long lesson module, the flexibility of the Energy Lab components will help you address the topics of energy, Earth’s systems, technology, engineering, and scientific modeling with your middle school or high school students. Below are details of the Lab components and some strategies to get you started.

Research Challenge

The Research Challenge allows students to design their own renewable energy systems to generate power. Students can create virtual wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass systems to provide reliable power to real cities, from Tennessee to California. Students will use maps, graphs, and weather data to assess the energy potential of each geographic location and design their system to meet production targets based on resident demand. Students will then test their model against actual historical and real-time weather and solar data and work to update and optimize their systems based on this feedback. To support your students in the research challenge, you might use some of these strategies:

Video Library

The Energy Lab includes a collection of eight short videos that cover basic energy topics. Videos include contextual information explaining why these topics matter to students and society. These videos will help students with concepts that they will face in the Research Challenge, but can also be used for individual exploration of key topics in energy and power. The collection is organized into three main “lessons”—each with its own set of brief and engaging videos and assessment questions that cover key areas of energy research: consumption, production, and distribution. Students can track their progress through these lessons and record their answers and notes in a customized, printable Lab Report that you can collect and use for assessment purposes.

Strategies for using the video library include:

You can go directly to any of the Energy Lab videos using these links:

The Scientists

The Energy Lab will periodically have scientists and engineers available to engage with you in the classroom and to answer students’ questions about topics related to energy. By interacting with professionals who are active in this field, students will have the chance to connect with careers in science and engineering surrounding the future of energy technology. Check the calendar of events on the NOVA Labs Facebook Page to see who is available—and then ask away!

The Energy Lab Standards Alignment

To see how different parts of the Energy Lab can be used to meet your course objectives, download a standards alignment here:

As new activities and lessons become available, we will include them in the NOVA Education Blog: Science of Learning.

Kids celebrating at NREL Science Bowl

NREL Science Bowl

Image courtesy of NREL

Related Resources

Below are more resources from NOVA and other organizations to enhance your lessons about energy.


Michael Kuss

Electric Vehicle Research Engineer

I make experimental power systems and electronics for electric vehicle charging stations.

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